Uses of Class

Packages that use Point2f Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. Provides audio utility classes. Provides geometry construction, triangulation, and optimization utility classes. Provides 3D vector mathematics classes. 

Uses of Point2f in

Methods in with parameters of type Point2f
 void Texture2D.getDetailTextureFunc(Point2f[] pts)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D 1.5 the optional detail texture feature is no longer supported.
 void AuralAttributes.getDistanceFilter(Point2f[] attenuation)
          Retrieve Distance Filter as a single array containing distances and frequency cutoff.
 void PointSound.getDistanceGain(Point2f[] attenuation)
          Gets this sound's distance attenuation.
 void ConeSound.getDistanceGain(Point2f[] frontAttenuation, Point2f[] backAttenuation)
          Gets this sound's elliptical distance attenuation.
 void ConeSound.getDistanceGain(Point2f[] frontAttenuation, Point2f[] backAttenuation)
          Gets this sound's elliptical distance attenuation.
 void Texture.getSharpenTextureFunc(Point2f[] pts)
          Copies the array of sharpen texture LOD function points including the lod values and the corresponding function values into the specified array.
 void GeometryArray.getTextureCoordinate(int index, Point2f texCoord)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by getTextureCoordinate(int texCoordSet, TexCoord2f texCoord)
 void GeometryArray.getTextureCoordinates(int index, Point2f[] texCoords)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by getTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, TexCoord2f texCoords[])
 void GeometryArray.getVertexAttr(int vertexAttrNum, int index, Point2f vertexAttr)
          Gets the vertex attribute associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
 void GeometryArray.getVertexAttrs(int vertexAttrNum, int index, Point2f[] vertexAttrs)
          Gets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
 void ConeSound.setAngularAttenuation(Point2f[] attenuation)
          Sets this sound's angular gain attenuation (not including filter).
 void ConeSound.setBackDistanceGain(Point2f[] attenuation)
          Sets this sound's back distance gain attenuation - where gain scale factor is applied to sound based on distance listener along the negative sound direction axis from sound source.
 void Texture2D.setDetailTextureFunc(Point2f[] pts)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D 1.5 the optional detail texture feature is no longer supported.
 void AuralAttributes.setDistanceFilter(Point2f[] attenuation)
          Set Distance Filter using a single array containing distances and frequency cutoff as pairs of values as a single array of Point2f.
 void PointSound.setDistanceGain(Point2f[] attenuation)
          Sets this sound's distance gain attenuation - where gain scale factor is applied to sound based on distance listener is from sound source.
 void ConeSound.setDistanceGain(Point2f[] frontAttenuation, Point2f[] backAttenuation)
          Sets this sound's distance gain elliptical attenuation - where gain scale factor is applied to sound based on distance listener is from sound source.
 void ConeSound.setDistanceGain(Point2f[] frontAttenuation, Point2f[] backAttenuation)
          Sets this sound's distance gain elliptical attenuation - where gain scale factor is applied to sound based on distance listener is from sound source.
 void Texture.setSharpenTextureFunc(Point2f[] pts)
          sets the sharpen texture LOD function for this texture object.
 void GeometryArray.setTextureCoordinate(int index, Point2f texCoord)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinate(int texCoordSet, TexCoord2f texCoord)
 void GeometryArray.setTextureCoordinates(int index, Point2f[] texCoords)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, TexCoord2f texCoords[])
 void GeometryArray.setTextureCoordinates(int index, Point2f[] texCoords, int start, int length)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by setTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, TexCoord2f texCoords[], ...)
 void GeometryArray.setVertexAttr(int vertexAttrNum, int index, Point2f vertexAttr)
          Sets the vertex attribute associated with the vertex at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
 void GeometryArray.setVertexAttrs(int vertexAttrNum, int index, Point2f[] vertexAttrs)
          Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object.
 void GeometryArray.setVertexAttrs(int vertexAttrNum, int index, Point2f[] vertexAttrs, int start, int length)
          Sets the vertex attributes associated with the vertices starting at the specified index in the specified vertex attribute number for this object using data in vertexAttrs starting at index start and ending at index start+length.

Constructors in with parameters of type Point2f
AuralAttributes(float gain, float rolloff, float reflectionCoefficient, float reverbDelay, int reverbOrder, Point2f[] distanceFilter, float frequencyScaleFactor, float velocityScaleFactor)
          Constructs and initializes a new AuralAttributes object using specified parameters including an array of Point2f for the distanceFilter.
ConeSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, Point3f position, Point2f[] frontDistanceAttenuation, Point2f[] backDistanceAttenuation, Vector3f direction)
          Constructs a ConeSound node object using all the provided PointSound parameter values.
ConeSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, Point3f position, Point2f[] frontDistanceAttenuation, Point2f[] backDistanceAttenuation, Vector3f direction)
          Constructs a ConeSound node object using all the provided PointSound parameter values.
ConeSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, Point3f position, Point2f[] frontDistanceAttenuation, Point2f[] backDistanceAttenuation, Vector3f direction, Point3f[] angularAttenuation)
          Constructs and initializes a new Cone Sound node explicitly setting all PointSound and ConeSound fields as arguments: the PointSound position, front and back distance attenuation Point2f array, and ConeSound direction vector and Point3f angular attenuation.
ConeSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, Point3f position, Point2f[] frontDistanceAttenuation, Point2f[] backDistanceAttenuation, Vector3f direction, Point3f[] angularAttenuation)
          Constructs and initializes a new Cone Sound node explicitly setting all PointSound and ConeSound fields as arguments: the PointSound position, front and back distance attenuation Point2f array, and ConeSound direction vector and Point3f angular attenuation.
ConeSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, Point3f position, Point2f[] distanceAttenuation, Vector3f direction, Point3f[] angularAttenuation)
          Constructs a ConeSound node object using all the provided PointSound parameter values, which include a single spherical distance attenuation array, but includes an angular attenuation array.
PointSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, float posX, float posY, float posZ, Point2f[] distanceGain)
          Construct a PointSound object accepting individual float parameters for the elements of the position point, and accepting an array of Point2f for the distance attenuation values where each pair in the array contains a distance and a gain scale factor.
PointSound(MediaContainer soundData, float initialGain, int loopCount, boolean release, boolean continuous, boolean enable, Bounds region, float priority, Point3f position, Point2f[] distanceGain)
          Construct a PointSound object accepting Point3f as input for the position and accepting an array of Point2f for the distance attenuation values where each pair in the array contains a distance and a gain scale factor.

Uses of Point2f in

Methods in with parameters of type Point2f
 void DistanceAttenuation.fillDistanceAttenuation(float innerRadius, float maxConstantGain, float unitDistance, float unitGain, float outerRadius, float minConstantGain, int curveType, Point2f[] distanceAttenuation)
 void DistanceAttenuation.fillDistanceAttenuation(float innerRadius, float maxConstantGain, float unitDistance, float unitGain, int curveType, Point2f[] distanceAttenuation)
 void DistanceAttenuation.fillDistanceAttenuation(float unitDistance, float unitGain, Point2f[] distanceAttenuation)
          Fill a Distance Attenuation array recommend that the distance attenuation Point2f array is defined to be allocated to be 10 for DOUBLE_DISTANCE_HALF_GAIN - since 1/(2^10) exceeds 1/1000 scale that is agreed to be affective zero gain First method assumes that: type is half gain for every double of distance inner radius is 0.0 but region between 0th and 1st elements is constant since gains for these two elements are the same min gain approches zero.

Uses of Point2f in

Methods in with parameters of type Point2f
 void GeometryInfo.setTextureCoordinates(Point2f[] texCoords)
          Deprecated. As of Java 3D 1.3 replaced by setTextureCoordinates(int texCoordSet, TexCoord2f coords[])

Uses of Point2f in

Methods in with parameters of type Point2f
 float Point2f.distance(Point2f p1)
          Computes the distance between this point and point p1.
 float Point2f.distanceL1(Point2f p1)
          Computes the L-1 (Manhattan) distance between this point and point p1.
 float Point2f.distanceLinf(Point2f p1)
          Computes the L-infinite distance between this point and point p1.
 float Point2f.distanceSquared(Point2f p1)
          Computes the square of the distance between this point and point p1.

Constructors in with parameters of type Point2f
Point2d(Point2f p1)
          Constructs and initializes a Point2d from the specified Point2f.
Point2f(Point2f p1)
          Constructs and initializes a Point2f from the specified Point2f.