Uses of Class

Packages that use PickRay Provides the core set of classes for the 3D graphics API for the Java platform; click here for more information, including explanatory material that was formerly found in the guide. Deprecated: Use
Uses of PickRay in

Methods in with parameters of type PickRay
 boolean Shape3D.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickRay pickRay, double[] dist)
          Checks whether the geometry in this shape node intersects with the specified pickRay.
 boolean Morph.intersect(SceneGraphPath path, PickRay pickRay, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Checks whether the geometry in this morph node intersects with the specified pickRay.

Uses of PickRay in

Methods in with parameters of type PickRay
static boolean Intersect.rayAndLine(PickRay ray, Point3d[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Determines if the PickRay and Line objects intersect.
static boolean Intersect.rayAndLine(PickRay ray, Point3f[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Return true if line intersects with ray and the distance, from the origin of ray to the intersection point, is stored in dist[0].
static boolean Intersect.rayAndPoint(PickRay ray, Point3d pnt, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Determines if the PickRay and Point3d objects intersect.
static boolean Intersect.rayAndPoint(PickRay ray, Point3f pnt, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Return true if point intersects with ray and the distance, from the origin of ray to the intersection point, is stored in dist[0].
static boolean Intersect.rayAndQuad(PickRay ray, Point3d[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Determines if the PickRay and quadrilateral objects intersect.
static boolean Intersect.rayAndTriangle(PickRay ray, Point3d[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Return true if triangle intersects with ray and the distance, from the origin of ray to the intersection point, is stored in dist[0].
static boolean Intersect.rayAndTriangle(PickRay ray, Point3f[] coordinates, int index, double[] dist)
          Deprecated. Return true if triangle intersects with ray and the distance, from the origin of ray to the intersection point, is stored in dist[0].